Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Squirrels, Wild bees and mushrooms

 found an ash tree with a wild be nest in it... if I had bought the camera I might have got a shot of the combs which are visible from the ground
the air rifle is doing better than the trap at the moment...

not sure what these are - fungus i think...

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Squirrel Trapping

Cruel but necessary.  The Squirrel population has reappeared now that the hazel nuts are nearly ripe, we can't afford the damage they did last year being repeated.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Butterfly survey

C wanted to do a butterfly survey...also know as an excuse to sit around in the sun(!) We saw a Speckled Wood, Dusky Skippers, Meadow Browns, Gatekeepers, Large and Small Whites and a Coma

Moving the High seat

The fallow really need to be culled this year as we are planning some coppicing.  So we moved the high seat to what is hopefully a better location and cleared the line of sight.